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View action

View Actions Overview

In undb, several actions can be performed on views to manage and organize them according to your needs. These actions include updating the view name, duplicating the view, and deleting the view. However, it’s important to note that the default view cannot be deleted.

Key View Actions

1. Update Name

  • Rename the View: You can update the name of any view to better reflect its purpose or content. This is useful when the focus of the view changes or when you want to standardize naming conventions across your views.

2. Duplicate View

  • Create a Copy: Duplicating a view allows you to create an exact copy of the view, including all its filters, sorting, and settings. This is particularly useful when you want to create a new view based on an existing one but with slight modifications.

3. Delete View

  • Remove a View: You can delete any view that is no longer needed, helping to keep your workspace organized. However, it’s important to note that the default view of a table cannot be deleted. This ensures that there is always a baseline view available for every table.

Use Cases

  • Versioning: When making significant changes to a view, you can duplicate the existing view to preserve the original before making updates. This allows you to experiment with new configurations while keeping a backup.
  • Workspace Cleanup: Regularly update and delete views to keep your workspace tidy and focused, removing outdated or unnecessary views.
  • Customization: Rename views to align with specific projects, departments, or tasks, making it easier for team members to find and use the correct view.


The View Actions feature in undb provides essential tools for managing views, allowing you to update names, duplicate views, and delete unnecessary views while maintaining the integrity of default views.