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Share view

In undb, you can share views with others, including users who are not registered on the platform. This feature allows you to provide access to specific data while maintaining control over how it is displayed and used.

Steps to Share a View

1. Enable Sharing

  • Share Button: To share a view, click on the share button within the view you want to share.
  • Enable Sharing: In the sharing options, toggle the enable switch to activate sharing for the view. This will generate a unique shareable link.
  • Copy Link: Once sharing is enabled, you can copy the generated link. This link can be shared with anyone, even if they do not have an undb account.
  • Access for Non-Registered Users: The recipients of the link can view the data in the shared view without needing to register or log in to undb.

3. View Access and Limitations

  • View-Only Access: The data in a shared view is read-only, meaning that users who access the view through the shared link cannot update or modify the data. This ensures that your data remains secure and unchanged.
  • Filters and Settings: All filters, sorting, and other settings applied to the view will be preserved in the shared version. The recipients will see the data exactly as you have configured it, ensuring consistency in how the data is presented.

Use Cases

  • Client Reporting: Share a filtered view of project progress or sales data with clients, allowing them to monitor specific metrics without giving them full access to your database.
  • Public Dashboards: Create public dashboards for community or organizational transparency, sharing specific views that highlight key information or statistics.
  • Collaborative Review: Share views with external collaborators or stakeholders who need to review data but do not need to interact with or update it.


The Share View feature in undb provides a convenient way to share specific data views with others while ensuring that the data remains secure and uneditable. By enabling sharing and distributing the link, you can extend the visibility of your data to a broader audience without compromising control.