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View overview

View Overview

In undb, a View provides a customizable way to interact with the data in your tables. Views in undb allow you to apply filtering, sorting, selection, color coding, and reorder functions, enabling you to tailor how your data is displayed and organized.

Key Features of Views

1. Filtering

  • Filter Data: Apply filters within a View to display only the records that meet specific criteria. This is useful for focusing on particular subsets of data, such as active projects, pending tasks, or records from a certain date range.

2. Sorting

  • Sort Data: Define how your data is sorted in a View, whether by date, alphabetical order, numerical value, or other criteria. Sorting ensures that the most relevant or important data is easily accessible at the top of your list.

3. Select

  • Select Columns: Customize which columns or fields are displayed within a View. By selecting only the most relevant fields, you can streamline the data presented, making it easier to focus on key information.

4. Color

  • Conditional Coloring: Use color coding to visually differentiate records or fields based on specific conditions. For example, you can configure a View to display tasks that are overdue in red, or highlight high-priority items in yellow. This feature makes it easier to quickly identify critical data points or categories within your table.

5. Reorder

  • Reorder Data: Rearrange the order of rows or columns within a View to better align with your workflow or priorities. Reordering allows you to customize the layout of your data, ensuring that the most important information is prominently displayed.

6. Default View

  • Automatic Creation: Each table in undb comes with a default View that is automatically created. This View is designed to give you immediate access to your data with basic configurations already in place.
  • Indispensable: The default View cannot be deleted if it is the only View in the table. This ensures that there is always a way to access and manipulate your table’s data.

7. View Management

  • Creating and Modifying Views: You can create additional Views to handle different aspects of your data. Each View can be independently configured with its own filters, sorting rules, selected fields, color coding, and reorder settings.
  • Adapting Views: Modify existing Views as your project evolves to reflect changing priorities or data needs, without altering the underlying data.

8. Use Cases

  • Task Management: Use Views to filter tasks by status, sort them by due date, select only the most relevant fields, color-code high-priority tasks, and reorder them based on importance.
  • Data Analysis: Configure Views to sort and filter data for specific analyses, apply color coding to highlight trends, and reorder data to improve clarity.
  • Inventory Tracking: Manage inventory by creating Views that filter for low stock, sort by restock date, highlight critical items with color coding, and reorder based on sales priority.

By leveraging Views in undb, you can create highly customized perspectives on your data, ensuring that the most relevant information is always organized, visually distinct, and easily accessible.