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Table overview

Understanding Tables

In undb, a Table is the fundamental structure where your data is stored and managed. Each Table consists of multiple fields and is backed by a robust SQLite database, ensuring that your data operations are both efficient and reliable.

Key Features of Tables

Unique Naming

  • No Duplicate Names: Each Table within a Base must have a unique name. This helps in avoiding confusion and ensures that each Table can be easily identified and referenced within the Base.

Structure and Storage

  • Fields Collection: A Table is essentially a collection of fields, where each field represents a specific type of data, such as text, numbers, dates, or other data types.
  • SQLite-Powered: Under the hood, each Table is stored as an SQLite table, giving you the power and flexibility of a fully functional relational database.
  • Unique Table Names: Within a single Base, all Tables must have unique names. This prevents confusion and ensures that each Table is easily identifiable.

Database Operations

Tables in undb support a variety of powerful database operations, allowing you to manipulate and analyze your data effectively:

  • Filtering: You can apply filters to your Tables to view only the data that meets certain criteria. This is useful for focusing on specific subsets of your data.
  • Sorting: Tables allow you to sort your data based on one or more fields, making it easier to organize and review your information.
  • Selecting: Execute select operations to retrieve specific data from your Table, enabling more complex queries and data manipulation.


Each Table in undb can have multiple Views:

  • Customized Views: A View is a customized perspective of your Table’s data. Each View can have its own set of filters, sorting options, and other configurations.
  • Manage Views: You can create, modify, and manage different Views to suit various needs or workflows within your project.

Importing Data

  • Data Import: undb supports importing data into your Tables from various sources. This feature allows you to integrate external data into your project seamlessly, making it part of your undb environment.

Managing Your Table

  • Creating Fields: When setting up a new Table, you can define the fields that will hold your data, customizing each field according to the type of information it will store.
  • Executing Operations: Use the built-in tools to filter, sort, and select data within your Tables, leveraging the full power of SQLite.
  • Customizing Views: Set up different Views to display your data in various ways, tailored to the specific needs of your project or workflow.
  • Importing Data: Easily import data into your Tables, expanding the dataset you’re working with and integrating external information smoothly.

By understanding and utilizing Tables in undb, you can efficiently manage your data, ensuring that it’s well-organized, accessible, and fully customizable to your needs.