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Roles and permission

Here is the revised document based on the code you provided:

Roles and Permissions in undb

This document outlines the roles and their associated permissions in undb. The permissions are categorized by functionality areas, including Space, Base, Table, Form, Field, Record, Webhook, Sharing, and Authorization.

Space Permissions

List all spaces
Read space details
Update space
Delete a space

Base Permissions

Create a base
List all bases
Delete a base
Read base details
Update a base

Table Permissions

Create a table
List all tables
Delete a table
Read table details
Update a table

Form Permissions

Create a form
List all forms
Delete a form
Read form details
Update a form

Field Permissions

Create a field
Update a field
Delete a field

Record Permissions

Create a record
List all records
Delete a record
Read record details
Update a record
Download record

Webhook Permissions

Create a webhook
Update a webhook
Delete a webhook
List all webhooks

Sharing Permissions

Disable sharing
View sharing options
Share table
Share base
Share form

Authorization Permissions

Invite users
List all invitations
Delete an invitation

This updated document reflects the structure and permissions defined in the code snippet provided.