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Space overview

What is a Space?

In undb, a Space is the foundational unit for organizing your data and applications. Think of a Space as a container that holds everything related to a specific project or domain. Each Space is designed to help you manage and structure your data in a way that aligns with your organizational needs.

Structure of a Space

  • Bases: Within each Space, you can create multiple Bases. A Base is a more focused collection of related data, akin to a database in traditional terms. Each Base is designed to handle a specific aspect of your project or business process.

  • Tables: Inside each Base, you’ll find Tables. Tables are where your actual data resides, structured in rows and columns. Each Table within a Base is designed to store a particular type of information, much like a spreadsheet or a database table.

How It Works

  • Spaces: Begin by creating a Space for your project. This Space will be the overarching environment where all your related data is organized.

  • Bases: Within this Space, you can create multiple Bases to segment your data according to different functions or areas of your project. For example, if you’re building an e-commerce application, you might have separate Bases for Products, Orders, Customers, and Inventory.

  • Tables: Inside each Base, you create Tables that store the specific data needed for that segment. For instance, in the Products Base, you might have Tables for Product Details, Pricing, and Categories.

Benefits of Using Spaces, Bases, and Tables

  • Organized Structure: Spaces, Bases, and Tables provide a clear and organized way to manage complex datasets, making it easier to navigate and maintain your data.
  • Scalability: As your project grows, you can easily expand your data structure by adding more Bases and Tables within your existing Spaces.
  • Flexibility: This hierarchical structure allows you to customize how you store and access data, tailoring the setup to your specific needs.

By organizing your data into Spaces, Bases, and Tables, undb makes it simple to manage even the most complex datasets, ensuring that your applications are both powerful and easy to maintain.