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Record Detail

In undb, updating a record allows you to modify existing data within a table. This process ensures that your data remains accurate and up-to-date, reflecting the latest information as your projects or datasets evolve.

Steps to Update a Record

1. Access the Record

  • Grid View: Navigate to the table where the record you want to update is located. Ensure you are in the grid view, which provides a tabular representation of all records.
  • Select Record: Locate the specific record you wish to update. Click on the record to enter the edit mode, or use the expand button on the left to open the record in a modal for detailed editing.

2. Modify the Fields

  • Edit Data: Once the record is open for editing, you can modify the data in the fields. The fields presented will correspond to those defined in the table schema. You can change values, update text, adjust numbers, or modify any other data types as needed.

  • Field Constraints: During the update process, any constraints or rules applied to the fields—such as required fields, data type restrictions, or validation rules—will be enforced. This ensures that the updated data remains consistent and valid according to the table’s schema.

3. Apply Changes

  • Save Updates: After making the necessary changes, click the Save or Update button to apply the modifications. The record will be updated with the new data, and the changes will be reflected in the grid view.

  • Validation Checks: If any of the changes do not meet the field constraints (e.g., a required field is left empty or data type mismatch), the system will prompt you to correct the errors before the record can be successfully updated.


Updating records in undb is a crucial task for maintaining the accuracy and relevance of your data. Whether you’re correcting mistakes, updating information, or making adjustments to reflect new data, undb ensures that the update process is smooth and that all changes are consistent with the table’s schema.