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Bulk Operations

In undb, batch operations allow you to efficiently manage multiple records at once. Whether you need to copy, delete, or update several records, batch operations make it easy to handle large amounts of data quickly and consistently.

Steps to Perform Batch Operations

1. Select Records

  • Grid View: Navigate to the table where you want to perform batch operations. Ensure you are in the grid view, which displays all records in a tabular format.
  • Select Records: Use the checkboxes on the left side of the grid view to select the records you want to include in the batch operation. You can select as many records as needed.

2. Choose an Operation

  • Batch Actions Menu: Once you have selected the records, a batch actions menu will appear. This menu offers several options for what you can do with the selected records.

  • Available Operations:

    • Duplicate: Duplicates the selected records, creating exact copies in the same table.
    • Delete: Permanently removes the selected records from the table. You will typically be asked to confirm this action to prevent accidental deletion.
    • Update: Allows you to apply changes to all selected records simultaneously. This is useful for making consistent updates across multiple entries.

3. Execute the Operation

  • Perform Action: After selecting the desired operation (copy, delete, or update), proceed with the action. The system will apply the changes to all selected records.

  • Confirmation: For critical operations like deletion, you may be prompted to confirm your choice. This safeguard ensures that batch deletions are intentional and prevents data loss.

4. Review the Results

  • Grid View Update: The grid view will automatically refresh to reflect the results of the batch operation. For example, if you deleted records, they will no longer appear in the list.


Batch operations in undb provide a powerful way to manage multiple records simultaneously, saving time and ensuring consistency across your data. Whether you’re copying, deleting, or updating records, the batch operations feature simplifies the process, making it easier to maintain your database.