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Share form

In undb, forms can be shared with external users, allowing them to submit data directly into your system without needing to register or have access to the platform. This feature is particularly useful for gathering information from clients, customers, or other stakeholders.

Steps to Share a Form

1. Enable Form Sharing

  • Share Button: To share a form, navigate to the form you want to share and click on the share button.
  • Enable Sharing: Toggle the sharing switch to activate sharing for the form. This will generate a unique shareable link.
  • Copy Link: Once sharing is enabled, you can copy the generated link. This link can be distributed to anyone who needs to submit data via the form.
  • External Access: The recipients of the link can access the form and submit data without needing to log in or register with undb.

3. Form Access and Limitations

  • Submission Only: The shared form is configured to allow data submission only. External users cannot view or edit existing data within the system.
  • Preserved Settings: All settings configured in the form, such as field visibility, required fields, and logic conditions, will be preserved in the shared version. This ensures that the form functions exactly as intended, even when accessed externally.

Use Cases

  • Client Information Collection: Share a form with clients to gather project details, contact information, or feedback without requiring them to log in.
  • Event Registration: Distribute a registration form for events, allowing participants to sign up quickly and easily.
  • Surveys and Feedback: Collect feedback from customers or employees by sharing a survey form that captures all the necessary details.


Sharing a form in undb is a straightforward process that enables you to gather data from external users efficiently. The shared form link maintains all the configurations set within undb, ensuring consistent data collection and a seamless user experience.