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Field actions

In undb, field actions provide you with various options to manage and manipulate fields within your tables. These actions include updating field configurations, duplicating fields, and deleting fields, allowing for flexible and efficient data management.

Key Field Actions

1. Updating Field Configurations

  • Modify Field Settings: You can update the configurations of existing fields to adjust how data is stored and displayed. This might include changing the field name, updating constraints (such as required status or maximum length), or altering default values.
  • Adjust Field Type: Depending on the context, you may also be able to change the field type if your data requirements evolve. This flexibility ensures that your table structure can adapt to changing needs.

2. Duplicating Fields

  • Copy Field: The duplication feature allows you to create a copy of an existing field. This is useful when you want to create a similar field with slightly different settings or when you want to experiment with different configurations without altering the original field.
  • Copy Field with Data: When duplicating a field, you have the option to copy not only the field structure but also the data (rows) associated with that field. This ensures that the duplicated field retains the same data, making it easy to create parallel versions of a field for comparison or further manipulation.

3. Deleting Fields

  • Remove Unneeded Fields: If a field is no longer required, you can delete it from the table. This action removes the field and all associated data from your table, helping to keep your data structure clean and relevant.
  • Caution with Deletion: Deleting a field is irreversible, so it’s important to ensure that the field and its data are no longer needed before proceeding with this action.

Use Cases

  • Schema Adjustments: As your project evolves, you may need to update field configurations to better align with new data requirements or changes in how data is collected and used.
  • Field Reuse: Duplicate fields to quickly create new ones with similar settings, saving time on reconfiguration and ensuring consistency across related fields.
  • Data Management: Streamline your tables by removing fields that are obsolete or redundant, ensuring that your data structure remains organized and efficient.

By utilizing field actions in undb, you can effectively manage and customize your table fields, ensuring that your data is structured to meet your specific needs.