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In undb, the String type field is used to store simple text data. It is one of the most commonly used field types, offering flexibility in how text data is stored and displayed.

Key Features of String Type

1. Simple Text Storage

  • Text Data: The String type is designed to hold textual data, such as names, descriptions, addresses, or any other information that can be represented as a string of characters.

2. Default Value

  • Setting a Default Value: When creating a String field, you can define a default value. This default value will automatically populate the field when a new record is created, unless another value is provided. This is useful for fields that often have the same value or when you want to ensure a consistent starting point for data entry.

3. Constraints

String fields in undb can have several constraints to ensure data integrity:

  • Required: You can specify whether the field is mandatory. If set to required, every record must have a value for this field.
  • Maximum Length: Set a maximum number of characters that the string can contain. This is useful for fields like names or codes where length limits are important.
  • Minimum Length: Similarly, you can set a minimum length to ensure that the entered string meets a certain character count, which might be important for fields like IDs or passwords.

4. Display Field

  • Setting as Display Field: The String field can be designated as a display field. When a field is set as a display field, it becomes a primary identifier for records in views and summaries. This helps in easily recognizing and managing records based on key text values.

Use Cases

  • Name Fields: Store first names, last names, or full names.
  • Descriptions: Capture brief descriptions or notes.
  • Identifiers: Use for unique codes, usernames, or other textual identifiers.

By utilizing the String type field in undb, you can effectively manage and constrain textual data within your Tables, ensuring that your data is both structured and easy to work with.