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In undb, the Rating type field is designed to capture ratings or scores, typically on a fixed scale (such as 1 to 5 stars). This field type is useful for scenarios where you want to collect feedback, evaluate performance, or rank items based on a set scale.

Key Features of Rating Type

1. Numerical Scale

  • Fixed Scale: The Rating field typically uses a fixed numerical scale, such as 1 to 5, 1 to 10, or any other range you define. This allows for standardized data collection when evaluating items or providing feedback.

2. Display Options

  • Stars or Custom Icons: Ratings can be displayed as stars, numbers, or other custom icons depending on your preference. This makes the rating data visually intuitive and easy to interpret.

3. Constraints

Rating fields in undb can include constraints to ensure the ratings are within an expected range:

  • Minimum Rating: Set a minimum allowable rating. This ensures that users cannot give a rating lower than the defined minimum.
  • Maximum Rating: Similarly, set a maximum allowable rating to cap the highest rating a user can give.
  • Required: You can also specify whether the rating field is mandatory. If set as required, every record must have a rating before it can be saved.

4. Default Value

  • Setting a Default Rating: You can set a default rating value that will automatically populate the field when a new record is created. This is useful for scenarios where a neutral or default score is commonly applied.

5. Use Cases

  • Product Reviews: Capture user feedback on products by allowing them to rate items on a scale (e.g., 1 to 5 stars).
  • Performance Evaluation: Use ratings to assess employee performance, project quality, or other measurable activities.
  • Service Feedback: Collect customer satisfaction ratings for services, support interactions, or events.

By incorporating the Rating type field in undb, you can standardize how feedback and evaluations are captured and stored, making it easier to analyze and act on the data collected.