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The currency field in undb is designed to store and manage monetary values efficiently. This field type is specifically tailored to handle financial data, ensuring that all currency-related entries are accurately formatted and easily sortable or filterable.

Key Features

  • Currency Format: Users can specify the currency symbol (e.g., $, , ¥) to be displayed alongside the value. This can be configured based on the user’s locale or the specific needs of the table.

  • Validation: The currency field includes built-in validation to ensure that only numeric values are entered. Users can also set constraints, such as minimum and maximum values, to prevent outliers or invalid entries.

  • Default Value: Users can set a default value for the currency field, which will be automatically applied to new records unless overridden by the user.

  • Sorting and Filtering: The currency field supports sorting and filtering based on the numeric value, allowing users to easily find and organize data by monetary amounts.

Configuration Options

When creating or editing a currency field, users can configure the following options:

  1. Field Name: The name of the currency field as it will appear in the table.
  2. Currency Symbol: The symbol to be displayed alongside the currency value (e.g., $ for USD, for EUR).
  3. Minimum Value: The minimum allowable value for this field. Entries below this value will be rejected.
  4. Maximum Value: The maximum allowable value for this field. Entries above this value will be rejected.
  5. Default Value: The value that will be automatically filled in for new records.
  6. Required: A toggle to make this field mandatory for all records in the table.

Use Cases

The currency field is ideal for scenarios where accurate financial data management is crucial. Examples include:

  • Invoicing Systems: Where each line item requires precise pricing.
  • E-Commerce Platforms: To store product prices in different currencies.
  • Expense Tracking Applications: For logging and categorizing expenses with accurate monetary values.
  • Budget Management: To manage budget allocations and track expenditures.

API Integration

When using the undb API, the currency field behaves similarly to other numeric fields but includes the currency symbol and formatting information. The value is typically returned as a string with the symbol prefixed (e.g., $100.00), and operations like filtering or sorting can be performed based on the numeric value alone.

Best Practices

  • Consistent Currency Usage: Ensure that all currency fields within the same table or base use the same currency symbol and formatting to avoid confusion.
  • Validation: Utilize the minimum and maximum value constraints to maintain data integrity, particularly in financial applications.

This updated documentation provides a clear and concise guide to understanding and using the currency field in undb, reflecting the accurate features available in the platform.