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In undb, the Checkbox type field is a simple and intuitive way to capture binary data—typically representing true/false, yes/no, or on/off values. This field type is ideal for scenarios where a straightforward selection or indication is needed.

Key Features of Checkbox Type

1. Binary Data Storage

  • True/False Values: The Checkbox field is used to store binary values. When a checkbox is selected, it typically represents a true or yes value, and when unselected, it represents false or no.

2. Display Format

  • Checkbox Interface: In the user interface, this field is displayed as a simple checkbox that can be toggled on or off, making it easy for users to quickly indicate their choice.

3. Default Value

  • Setting a Default State: You can define the default state of the checkbox when a new record is created. This could be either checked (true) or unchecked (false), depending on what makes the most sense for your data entry process.

4. Constraints

  • Required: Although less common for checkboxes, you can specify whether the Checkbox field is required, meaning that a user must make an explicit choice (either true or false) before saving the record.

5. Use Cases

  • Status Indicators: Use the Checkbox field to indicate whether a task is complete, a feature is enabled, or a condition is met.
  • User Preferences: Capture user settings or preferences, such as opting in or out of communications, agreeing to terms, or enabling features.
  • Simple Yes/No Questions: Use checkboxes to answer simple yes/no questions in forms or surveys.

By utilizing the Checkbox type field in undb, you can capture simple binary choices efficiently, ensuring that your data reflects clear, actionable decisions.