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In undb, the Attachment type field is designed to store file attachments. This field type is ideal for scenarios where you need to associate files, documents, images, or other media with your records. Notably, the Attachment field in undb only supports multi-value configurations, allowing you to attach multiple files to a single record.

Key Features of Attachment Type

1. Multi-Value Support

  • Multiple Attachments: The Attachment field is inherently multi-value, meaning you can attach several files to a single record. This is useful when multiple related documents, images, or files need to be associated with the same data entry.

2. File Types

  • Flexible File Support: The Attachment field can handle a variety of file types, including documents (PDF, Word), images (JPEG, PNG), spreadsheets (Excel), and more. This flexibility allows you to store any relevant files directly within your undb records.

3. File Management

  • Upload and Manage Files: Users can easily upload files by dragging and dropping them into the Attachment field or using the file upload interface. Once uploaded, files can be viewed, downloaded, or removed as needed.

4. Constraints

  • File Size Limits: Depending on the configuration, you may set limits on the maximum size of files that can be attached. This helps manage storage and ensures that only appropriately sized files are uploaded.
  • File Count Limits: While the Attachment field supports multiple files, you can set a maximum number of attachments per record if needed to control the volume of associated files.

5. Use Cases

  • Document Storage: Use the Attachment field to store related documents such as contracts, reports, or manuals alongside the relevant data entries.
  • Image Galleries: Attach multiple images to a product record, project, or event, providing a comprehensive visual reference.
  • Media Management: Store and manage various media files, such as audio recordings, videos, or presentations, directly within your data structure.

By utilizing the Attachment type field in undb, you can effectively manage and associate multiple files with your records, ensuring that all necessary resources are readily accessible within your data framework.