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Self host

Self-Hosting undb

undb can be self-hosted, providing you with the flexibility to deploy the platform in your own environment. There are two primary methods to self-host undb: using a Docker image or building from source.

Method 1: Deploying with Docker

1. Pull the Docker Image

  • Docker Image: The official undb Docker image is available from GitHub Container Registry. You can pull the image using the following command:

    Terminal window
    docker pull

2. Run the Docker Container

  • Start the Container: Once the image is pulled, you can start a new container using the following command:

    Terminal window
    docker run -d -p 3721:3721

    This command will run undb on port 3721, which is the default port for the platform.

3. Access undb

  • Access the Platform: After the container is running, you can access undb via your web browser at http://localhost:3721 (or replace localhost with your server’s IP address if hosted remotely).

Method 2: Building from Source

1. Clone the Repository

  • Get the Source Code: First, clone the undb repository from GitHub:

    Terminal window
    git clone

2. Install Dependencies

  • Install with Bun: Navigate to the cloned repository’s directory and install the necessary dependencies using Bun:

    Terminal window
    cd undb
    bun install

3. Build the Project

  • Build the Binary: After installing the dependencies, build the project to create the undb binary:

    Terminal window
    bun build

    This will compile the project and produce a undb binary file.

4. Run undb

  • Start undb: You can now run undb using the binary file that was generated:

    Terminal window

    By default, undb will start on port 3721, but you can configure it as needed.


Self-hosting undb offers flexibility and control over your deployment. Whether you choose to deploy via Docker or build from source, both methods provide a straightforward way to run undb in your own environment. Choose the method that best fits your infrastructure and get started with your self-hosted instance of undb.