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Base overview

In undb, a Base is a collection of tables that together form a structured dataset within a Space. Bases help you organize related data, making it easier to manage and access information across your projects.

Key Features of Base

Unique Naming

  • No Duplicate Names: Each Base within a Space must have a unique name. This helps in avoiding confusion and ensures that each Base can be easily identified and referenced within the Space.

Base Homepage Overview

When you open a Base, you are greeted with a homepage that provides all the tools you need to manage your tables:

  1. Create Table Button:

    • This button allows you to create new tables within the Base. A table is where your data is stored in rows and columns, similar to a spreadsheet.
  2. Import Table Button:

    • You can also import existing tables into the Base. This feature is useful for bringing in data from other sources or migrating tables from different projects.
  3. Tables List:

    • The homepage displays a list of all the tables currently within the Base. This list provides quick access to your tables, allowing you to view and manage your data easily.

Managing Your Base

  • Creating Tables: You can create as many tables as needed within a Base to store different types of data. Each table can be customized to suit the specific data structure you require.

  • Importing Tables: If you have data from other sources, the import function allows you to seamlessly integrate it into your Base, making it part of your undb workspace.

  • Navigating Tables: The tables list on the Base homepage provides a clear overview of all your data assets within the Base, making navigation simple and intuitive.

By organizing your data into Bases within undb, you can maintain a clear structure and ensure that related data is kept together, enhancing both organization and accessibility.